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Logo - BrandZ

BrandZ: Martin Guerrieria
Public relations: Lucy Edgar

BrandZ Top 100 most valuable global brands 2014

Download the full rankings/analysis:
Ranking report (pdf, 30 Mb)
Press release
Infographic (pdf, 1.6 Mb)
• Launch Magazine TV Program:
   • Watch on Youtube
   • Downloadable version (mp4, 700 Mb)

Ranking report

Download the report
(pdf, 30 Mb)
2014 - A year of transformation,
consolidation and disruption.
  • New brand tops the rankings
  • Top 100 brand values increase
  • Surprising top riser
  • A first for sector growth
  • First time a retailer makes the coveted Top 10
Find out this and a lot more by getting your copy of the free, lively and informative report, designed by Lambie-Nairn, with results, sector analysis and thought leadership articles by many WPP company colleagues from around the globe.

Watch the launch online video magazine style program that includes:
  • Observations, analysis and insights from the 2014 results
  • Countdown of the Top 100 Brands featuring selfies from WPP colleagues
  • Key takeaways to help you and your clients grow brand value
  • An exclusive interview with Sir Martin Sorrell
  • Hear from studio guests including John O'Keefe and Eric Salama
  • And joining from Beijing - Tencent, China’s leading internet brand
  • Plus a lot, lot more